My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Waiting for the right light really is necessary PART I

Today we arrived in Frafjord where we will stay for 2 days for the simple reason… this is exactly what I wanted to see in Norway it’s an absolutely stunning site.

Now often when you travel there is no time to wait for the right light, or for that stunning sunset, and because this is exactly the scene I wanted we decided to stay here for 2 nights. Night 1 for the late night shots and Night 2 to get a second chance. Now I thought it would be fun to see the difference between waiting for the light and just shooting when you’re there.

So in this blog post the images I shot during the harsh sunlight period. Now don’t get me wrong, they are not bad…. but it’s of course pretty harsh and too contrasty. In the next blog post, the images I shot during the better light.

Don’t be afraid of REAL black and white

Often you hear people talk about how they love Black and white photography, but in essence they actually mean shooting an image in black and white as in “no color”. And don’t get me wrong this is ok, I also love that. But sometimes it’s not bad to REALLY push your black and white approach.

This portrait was shot in color (of course) but I already knew I really wanted to push the contrast to the extreme, so I choose a rather harsh light source and aimed the light under a more directional angle and made sure I had enough definition in the original.

After this it was a matter of really pushing the contrast in Photoshop in combination with Alien Skin exposure to get an image that in essence was mostly black and white with as little gray in between as possible.

Now not all images are looking good with this technique, so you really have to shoot with this in mind. But if you do… the results can be awesome. But in all honesty it’s a personal taste 😀

The church near the sea

Today we visited this beautiful little church very close to the sea.
It only holds 14 people and from origin it was only meant as a chapel.

Take some low angle shots and you can get some real drama.

Norway in Black and white

Because sometimes images scream for a BW treatment.