My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Digital Classroom, December 19. 3PM-5PM CET

Frank Doorhofs Digital Classroom is sponsored by BenQ & Rogue.

This is a live, interactive, free, online broadcast from our studio in Emmeloord. And this time the topic is:

“White Winter Wonderland with a Twist!

Shooting whites, but still want detail? Or shooting with white lights, like LED or alternative light sources? And getting the right exposure? In this episode, Frank will show you how to meter light correctly so you get the perfect shot and don’t have to fix it in photoshop, well maybe a little. With Model and stylist Nadine Stephan, it is guaranteed that you’ll see great images and if Frank shoots it right also a lot of detail in her layers of clothes. We will show you how we step-by-step built a set creating a winter wonderland. No wet snow involved!

Frank will also show how to retouch your shots. You’ll see the complete workflow from shooting tethered and making the final selection, retouching with or without plugins till backup. In between Franks tells you about the importance of calibration and using a calibrated monitor.
And the best thing is you can talk to Frank and the crew LIVE in the chat on YouTube or Facebook. Ask anything you want to know about this topic of model photography

Learn all about the light meter, but also about creativity in this wonderful episode

Send in your storytelling pictures and Frank will critique them. Mail them to [email protected]

Join us in this 2-hour free, live, online interactive show on Wednesday, December 19 3PM CEST or

Fashion to the max workshop BTCD DEC15 2018

In todays episode it’s all about fashion to the max.
In this workshop I teach different lighting techniques to make images stand out more and have more “pop”

We discuss several setups and of course you get the see the behind the scenes video, the results and I explain what I did with the group.

If you liked this video give it a big thumbs up and subscribe so we can keep on making them.

Want to support this channel?
And get a LOT of benefits?
Check out our Patreon: we really appreciate the help and support
Follow me on G+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and I will see you in the next video!

Find me online via the following channels
Facebook :
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Workshop agenda:
Join the Mastering the Model Shoot facebook group:

See my gear guide (and buy it) via:

Workshop licht control DEC 14 2018

In todays BTCD we take you behind the scenes during the workshop “light control” you get to see the lighting setups, I explain the sets and the theory behind it (in short) and you get to see the results.

For more in depth instructional material check out

If you liked this video give it a big thumbs up and subscribe so we can keep on making them.

Want to support this channel?
And get a LOT of benefits?
Check out our Patreon: we really appreciate the help and support
Follow me on G+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and I will see you in the next video!

Find me online via the following channels
Facebook :
Instagram :

Join our Email community :
Portfolio website:
Workshop agenda:
Join the Mastering the Model Shoot facebook group:

See my gear guide (and buy it) via:

2019 promo door Frank Doorhof

Frank Doorhof vertelt je alvast wat je kan beleven op de Profesional imaging 2019. Bestel je tickets met earlybird korting op