Entries by Frank Doorhof

Workshop Dublin 8 September 2010

Today it was time for the workshop. With the workshops during the Photovision Roadshow I choose to do very small groups instead of the bigger workshops we do during the weekends independent on a tour. This way I can also work a bit on my own portfolio and give a different kind of workshop. I […]

Photovision Roadshow day

Pffff we’re just back at the hotel from a more than fun day at the Photovision Roadshow. We do these shows app 4 times a year and I teach a free seminar during the day and for the rest just hang out with the people there and of course meeting new people. The seminars itself […]

Dublin sightseeing day

Today it was the day we have planned for sightseeing. When we do the workshops abroad we always try to plan 1-2 days for ourselves to also see some of the area and visit some locations that are interesting. In this case the Irish weather does not help, it’s raining almost constantly, but somehow (call […]


A quick update. Today we’re leaving for Dublin where I will teach a free seminar on Tuesday during the Photovision roadshow and a full day workshop on the Wednesday. The workshops are unique because we use real location with a lot of different techniques, so I’m always looking forward to those. We have limited seating […]