Entries by Frank Doorhof

Guestblog Bart Jansen (BartX)

Sometimes on twitter I host a small “critique day” on which people can tweet their images and I give a small review. The best images I select and the people I will give a chance to post something on my blog. When I saw the image Bart send me the first thing that struck me […]

Orlando news update 1.

Ok, let’s first tell you what my idea is with these small updates. They are here for fun, and fun only. It’s not high-class blog material, it’s not high-quality photography or video work, it’s just some news updates to keep you readers updated on what we do over here and what we are planning, that’s […]

Going to PSW !!!

Ok we are off to Photoshop World. I got some great keynotes that I’ve written the last few weeks so I think you are gone love this (adressed to the visitors of PSW of course :D). The blog won’t be quiet for the coming days however. Starting tomorrow there will be some guestblogs on the […]

Review lenses RZ/RB system

A while ago I wrote the review about the RZ67ProII that I love to use in my studio work. Recently this review has become totally hot again because Mamiya re-released one of the best studio cameras. When I bought the camera it could be bought for little to nothing in great shape and the lenses […]