Entries by Frank Doorhof

SmallHD monitor

Today a review/user opinion for the SmallHD DP4 monitor I’m using for my video work at the moment. Although I’m mainly a photographer I love video, always have and always will probably. When I started video it was mainly because I wanted something else than photography, I was raised in a family where photography and […]

New images Angela

The following model is in the running for our glamour workshops, so if you press read more do realize that not all images are safe for work, although I think they are….

New images Carmen

The following model from our testshoots is Carmen. She will be doing mainly the fashion workshops. For me it’s always difficult to find the girls I really like for the workshops but as you can see this week I think we found a few very nice additions 😀

Images Sanne

The last few weeks I’ve been doing some testshoots. During these testshoots we invite models over (after a casting via Email) to do a small testshoot, these shoots are app 2 hours long. After the session the model has nice images and for me I get a good idea of the model might be suited […]