Entries by Frank Doorhof

Dean Collins on digital

There are people that have a major impact on your life, your career, your way of thinking etc. For me without any doubt this was Dean Collins. The way he explains photography is something that really opened my eyes, however also the way he taught with loads of humor,  but stil being able to explain something […]

Angela composited

Once every few weeks there is a very special workshop called Advanced II. In this workshop I actually take a giant risk every time I teach it, the topic of the workshop is compositing. The first 2 hours the students get a theory seminar about getting better shots based on not only model photography but […]

Vienna Day 2

Today some images from our second day in Vienna. At the moment we moved from Vienna to our location to teach the workshops, and you probably already saw some images coming by via Google+ and twitter. But today I share some streetstyle images I did during our stay on day 2 in Vienna.

Vienna Prater – day1

After yesterdays post I did not want to overload you with more images so I decided to keep the “Prater” images for today. Prater is a large park in Vienna with a lot of different activities, one of the most famous ones is without a doubt the “carnaval”, I loved just walking around there, it’s […]