Entries by Frank Doorhof

First successful developed roll of film

If you followed my social media stream the last few weeks you know by know that I’m very active with vintage photography. I’ve been shooting film every since I got the RZ67ProII but not often. The last few weeks I’ve been shooting more and more film, not because it’s better than digital, but because it’s […]

Guestblog Morgana

You’ve already read some guestblogs by Morgana, and today she has something new to share for you guys. Be your own Film Star I have always been inspired by films and videos. And love trying to work out how a scene was lit, or a special effect achieved.  This has had a big influence on […]

Results streaming day

A few weeks ago we streamed a session live from our studio, this was a test and we found out we really needed faster upload for our internet if we wanted to do it the way we want it, and we are in the middle of arranging this, so we hope to be able to […]

Images open house StudioFD with Manon

During our open house we did some photoshoots through out the day, the model for that day was our very own Manon and she was wearing creations from Nadine. All images were shot with the Mamiya RZ67ProII and the Leaf Credo60, the first time I tested that combination and it rocks, the Credo60 is an […]