ANY light will do

Of course I love my strobes.
Of course I shoot most of my images with strobes, panels or other modified light (or of course natural light). But in essence you can shoot great images with almost anything that emits light, as long as you position the light correctly 🙂

In this blogpost some images I shot with just tungsten lightbulbs.
Like this?
Well you’re lucky… 🙂
We actually made a video on using alternative light sources (and it’s awesome) called “Mastering the modelshoot : Any light will do” and you can get it on

Now the whole trick is that you have to understand that you control your light quality by moving the light closer or further away from your model. The closer you get the light the faster the light fall off and in my opinion the more moody the light gets, when you move tungsten bulbs too far away the light quickly gets really ugly. But of course this is all personal.

By the way… in the video we do a lot more than just tungsten, it’s actually a total journey through understanding light and showing that you can shoot with any light.

Here you can find the trailer.