Just some images

This weekend we had to visit some customers at the other side of the country, this sounds dramatic but in the Netherlands that means 3 hour drives 🙂 of course I will always carry my camera with me, and sometimes I come home with no images at all (actually this hardly ever happens) and sometimes I think I’m very lucky I brought the camera, this time I think it was a good idea, so here are some of my favorite images from the small 2 day trip.

First a small tip….
Always take your camera, you never know what you’re gonna be able to shoot, even in places you don’t expect it like in this case. I won’t tell you where it was exactly but let’s say it’s the little place where you have time to read your iPad 🙂 I just LOVED the effect the mirrors had and quickly took this shot, I think a model would be awesome in a location like this, although a bit tight 🙂

Somehow corridors have an incredibly draw on me, I just have to shoot them. This corridor runs under the highway to let people walk to the restaurants from the other side of the road. The combination of lights and green colors stopped me right in my tracks and I had to shoot it.


But the best images (I think) we shot when we were almost home, we had to pick something up from our friends from CameraNu and when I saw this sky I had to stop and shoot it, the colors are enhanced in Photoshop but it was simply breathtaking when we saw it and with just a bit of Photoshop it’s now a bit more interesting than it was in real life, but not that much.

6 replies
  1. GiJo
    GiJo says:

    We never take the time to realise how congested our skies are, as well as our roadways… until there’s a delay at the airport. Thanks for taking the time to see.

  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I usually carry my camera with me every where.

    My iPad on the other hand I do use for reading in small rooms with mirrors.

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