7-7-2011 a special date, and a post about a special some-one
Today a different blog post than you’re used to.
Today it’s 7-7-2011, lets rewind 14 years to 7-7-1997, that’s the day that Annewiek became Annewiek Doorhof.
So today a small blog post about the one that kept up with me for so long……
Some people claim they have found their soulmate, well I’m one of those people.
When Annewiek and I met the first time I know for sure they felt the earth move in a country far far away, we hit it off from day 1. We first lived together in some, let’s say, adventurous locations. When we settled in Emmeloord it was time to ask the “love of my life” to marry me…. and she said yes.
Because the number 7 has always been my “lucky” number it was without a doubt that our wedding date had to be 7-7-97.
Actually we were wed at 19:00 (7 PM) in the Church and we were a bit late (the horses did not do what we wanted) so that became 19:07 🙂
Making a blog post with the 7 reasons why I’m with Annewiek would be cliche and I will never make it because I will probably find many more. So I decided to keep it more simple and just dedicate todays blogpost to my wife Annewiek Doorhof.
People who have visited my workshops abroad know that Annewiek is always with me, to be honest I never travel without her if possible. It’s almost unthinkable to do something “big” without Annewiek being there, watching from the background or being with me on the “front line”. But she does much more…. when you have watched our instructional DVDs you will probably know that Annewiek did a lot of filming for those DVDs, especially when we started out. But that’s not all of course, the list goes on and on and on. In short, my work would be almost impossible without her help and support…..

She doesn't want to be a model, (for me she is) and I often trick her into be a model by letting her stand in for the model
So from my side I wish to congratulate Annewiek for staying with me during these hectic years and helping me out with everything I need (and sometimes I didn’t even realized I need), up to the 25 years, it will be a blast for sure.
Congratulations Frank!
Congratz with your anniversary!
Congratulations for both of you!
congrat Franks!
Sounds like you have been blessed with a good woman! Congratulations on the anniversary. Not sure what I would do without my wife. Guess we are two blessed men. Photography and two awesome wife’s.
Congratulations! You are a lucky man. Nothing is better than a good wife. 🙂
Gefeliciteerd Annewiek & Frank. Dit klik allemaal zo bekent want bij mij is het allemaal het zelfde gegaan. wij wensen jullie dan ook nog vele jaren er bij…
Congrats Frank … you truly are a blessed man 😉
Congratulations to both of you Frank. May there be many more happy and funfilled years together for you.
congratulations frank thats awesome 🙂 incidentally 14 years is 2×7! happy anniversary man long lating lvoe like this is a tough find 🙂
Many congratulations to you both and many more years of happiness to come too!
Congratulations and many more happy years together in love and health.
Congratulations , if you both have the same click as that i have with my wife ( soulmate ) it will be a “never ending story “.
Happy anniversary! I hope your marriage is as good as I’ve enjoyed with my wife. In two weeks, we celebrate 41 years together!
That’s a nice blog, Frank. Congratulations to both of you and many many more years together! 🙂
Gefeliciteerd Frank en Annewiek, 14 jaar……klinkt als een heel eind. Wij waren een paar maandjes later en dus weet ik ook dat de tijd echt voorbij vliegt. Met de gezegde: “Time flies when you are having fun” kunnen we dat dus alleen maar als een goed teken zien.
Groeten, Jim
Congratulations! Wish you and Annewiek a many more happy years together to come!
Happy Anniversary Frank and Annewiek!
Congratulations Frank and Annewiek! I hope you will enjoy eachother’s company in good health for many more years to come.
Wow van harte en ik wens jullie nog heel veel mooie jaren samen! Hopelijk kan ik dit jaar jullie kracht samen in een workshop aanschouwen.
Congratulations to you both. What a wonderful tribute to Annewiek. And she’s a lucky lady, too, to have someone as obviously devoted to her as you. May you both have many, many more anniversaries to celebrate together.
Un homme et une femme, One can go on, and on, and on, and on – we fell for them all – some more intensely than others. They shaped and influenced our lives… heel hartelijk gefeliciteerd
great tribute to Annewiek!!
Wow, topmodel met die gele sportwagen, van harte jullie beiden.
Gefeliciteeeeeerd 😀
Happy anniversary big guy!
Congratulations Frank and Annewiek! So now im very curious to see one of your wedding pictures into the blogpost 😉 Wouldn’t that be a thrill 🙂
oempf, you really wouldn’t 😀
Many Congratulations to you both!!!
Oops a little late but many congratulations and many more years together in good health. You are a great team. Annewiek…a model for a day? 😉
Hey wat leuk om Annewiek zo in het zonnetje te zetten! Als nog van harte!
Annewiek loopt de eerste tijd nog op een wolk 🙂
Dikke kus van Gert en Mirjam
I know I´m too late for this, but as I am going trough your blog from the last weeks, I have been traveling, I was so touch of your wonderful word to your wife. You are lucky both of you 🙂 Congrats both of you!
thank you, and it’s never to late in cyberspace.