Tag Archive for: tips

How to pose hands

I think that one of the questions a lot of people struggle with (including me) is “how do you pose hands?”

Let’s be honest we all have them, and normally they are incredibly handy (pun intended) but in a photo…. well that’s where the problems often arise, what do you do with them, what do you show, or accept not to be shown, do you want them to draw attention, or not…

In todays video I dive into the topic “posing hands” and share some of my tips.
Do remember that we film these videos in one take including the images, so don’t expect stellar results, it’s just to share some ideas and hopefully help you guys.

Do you have any questions, feel free to ask them.
This video was actually created because someone on Patreon asked about it. And that’s the cool thing about our Patreon, I don’t only share behind the scenes images and videos there, but we also do a monthly portfolio review and questions are often answered within 24 hours (often even faster) plus the members help each other out too. Sounds cool?

Join our Patreon at www.patreon.com/frankdoorhof it starts at only $1.00 a month.
By joining our Patreon you help us to continue releasing free tutorials etc.
Join this week and get my Lightroom pack for free.


Introducing the Rogue magnetic system

Sometimes we get products that are just nice and a cool addition to the rest.
But sometimes…. well they really change the way you (can) work.
And today the video in which I introduce a system like this.

The Rogue magnetic system for round flashes and speedlights.
An after the flashbender Rogue released another product that is clearly designed with the photographer in mind. Which for me means, portable/light, easy to work with and most of all not limiting the creativity of the user.

So let’s go.

Be inspired

I’ve said it many times

One of the best things to look at to find inspiration is movies or and videoclips. Both are not only stories but when you look closely you will see that the power of those stories are heavily enhanced by the use of color and lighting

Imaging a movie like Edward scissorhands in muted colors…. Gets a totally different atmosphere or how about that one in black and white with some cool film noir lighting.

Even better what about a horror movie with saturated colors and flat lighting…. Nah takes away the mind tricks

And there we have it. Mind tricks

Our mind is easily fooled. Take a dark room where you hardly see anything and I’m pretty sure that if we fed you stories about the famous shadow figures you will start to see them, out of the corners of your eyes that is.

Now floor the room with light and…gone is the whole illusion.

So lighting and color for photography are for me the best ways to effectively tell a story.

And the best way to practice this is to actually try to recreate some scenes. The images in this blog where shot during a cosplay workshop (one out of four sets of that workshop) and although it doesn’t really represent an actually scene you can see the inspiration.

The most important thing is not to hit that scene exactly but to get a mood and feel. And I think we succeeded in that one.

Now what is that of use for you?
If you’re training yourself to be able to recreate more extreme sets you start to learn more and more what lighting, color, retouching can do for an image. And when your done with something extreme, the next time a client asks you for a certain mood and feel… Well it will be a lot easier.

Practice extreme to become a much better photographer I would say 😉

Many thanks to Marloes and jamilla for their awesomeness

Wait before you throw something out

Don’t just throw stuff out. It can be awesome material to make clothing or accessories

Over the years I’ve shot some bizarre clothes and accessories all made out of material that you would never expect in a photoshoot. Ofcourse it helps to have a crazy creative stylist and model like Nadine 🙂 the images in this blogpost are a mix of styling by myself and Nadine.

For example think about some packing paper and old curtains

Or for example some Christmas paper

But also postal bags work

But one of my favorite must be this heavily inspired by the 50s pulp SF movies shot which is almost completely build up from paper bags

Staying in SF what about a robot all made out of cardboard

But it can also work with a newspaper of course.

Or what about handkerchiefs

And when we are on that route… Some toilet paper ?

And sometimes a lot of fun after the shoot with bubble wrap

And staying in plastic, what about some thrashbags? Not possible? Oh yeah it is

And finally (although I have loads more) what about using some plastic material and don’t use it as clothing but as background

What did you use as a creative solution?