Instructional DVDs, released as physical dvd, but now also for download

The Essential Lighting Techniques

Photography is painting with light, so understanding and being able to use light is an essential part of photography, still 90% of the photographers let their light control them instead of controlling the light themselves. In this video you’ll learn the essential lighting techniques that every photographer should know, plus a lot more.

Topics include :
Metering, lighting the white background with only 2 strobes, how to create the perfect black background, light fall off, feathering the light, inverse square law, calculating light/exposure, rembrandt and butterfly lighting, adding accents for extra seperation, understanding shadows, getting the model at ease, strobe and modifier buying advise, tethering tips and tricks, USB tips, info about the lightmeter, coaching the model, backgrounds, using the beautdish, striplight, reflector and umbrella, what is the difference between grids and no grids, creating a strong portrait, my favorite plugins and why not to buy presets for a lot of money but create them yourself and a LOT more….

Running time is app. 2 hours and 20 minutes

Beyond snaps : New York

A travel and photography guide to New York loaded with tips and techniques.

A guide to Capture One 9 Pro

A guide to Capture One 9 Pro