Here you can find the webinars and instructional videos I posted on the blog.

QF Ep66 handy menu in Lightroom

In this episode of quite frankly I’ll show you a handy menu that a lot of people don’t know about in Lightroom.

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Tether Tools JS026 Extension lock (NL)

In dit filmpje laat ik je zien hoe je fatsoenlijk 2 USB kabels stevig aan elkaar kunt zetten met de Tether Tools Extension Lock.

Frank Doorhof Flashbender

Frank Doorhof introduces the New Flashbender 2, XL Pro Reflector Super Soft Silver.

QF EP65 Using the quick selection tool the smart way

In this episode of Quite Frankly a cool tip on using the quick selection tool and content aware fill.

This technique is very handy when doing retouches on hair, sensor dust and so much more, it will really shave off a lot of time in your workflow