Here you can find the webinars and instructional videos I posted on the blog.

Live Digital Classroom June 15th 2016

Digital classroom live stream restart.
We did plan something different but than disaster struck (literally) so we had to restart and do something differently.

This is that broadcast, with loads of tips on retouching, shooting the model, lighting and much more….

Here are the images from this session :

Behind the closed DOORs June 14th 2016

In this episode we are setting up for the Digital classroom broadcast, checking how far we can stretch our USB connection to shoot outside the studio, we introduce our new intern, and a lot more.

If you like what we do make sure to join us on

BTS afstudeershoot Liselotte

Our Liselotte intern had to do a complete photoshoot for her final exams. Our other intern meno made a backstage video of the photoshoot itself. So they actually did this all by themselves 😉

Behind the closed DOORs June 13th 2016

We could call this episode “The Wacom” episode.
In this episode we pick up the Wacom Cintiq 27″ at

I also show you how we remodeled my desk to fit the Cintiq, how to calibrate it and some tips/tricks to make a 2 monitor setup work in Lightroom, Capture One and Photoshop where you can do your critical colorchecking on the main monitor and retouch on the cintiq.

Now some of you might wonder why I did not mirror my screens, which is possible in my case, but if you use a lower resolution cintiq you would get scaling artifacts on your main monitor so that’s why I showed you this method in the video, for my situation I will probably switch to mirror mode.

And of course my first impressions of this big boy.

If you like what we do online and on social media support us on we really appreciate it and it makes it possible to continue this series (and much more)