Here you can find the webinars and instructional videos I posted on the blog.

behind the closed DOORs July 15 2016

Today a jampacked episode.

1. We take you BTS during our Santa Cruz workshop “Mastering the model shoot : the magic of the speed light on location” with our friends from Expo imaging, you see the shoot, the location and much more.

2. A small tour at Expo imaging, the home of the Frank Doorhof flashbender (and many other products of course :-))

3. After the workshop we visited Bill’s wheels where we show you how a skateboard is assembled.

Enjoy’s today episode and remember that if you like what we do on social media and with these video vlogs you can support us via and we can do even more.

behind the closed DOORs July 14 2016

In todays episode we visit bayphoto for a small tour and the beautiful Santa Cruz pier.

Behind the closed DOORs July 13 2016

In todays episode we visit the ocean and Pacifica plus an awesome street in the Mission with loads of graffiti.

Behind the closed DOORs July 12 2016

In todays episode we visit some great Photo locations.
First up is Lands end with an amazing ocean view and after that walk with us round Albany Bulb, a great location to walk your dog which is covered with art pieces and graffiti, you must see it to believe it.

Both locations are great for photographers visiting this area (San Francisco)

Remember that the images from these days appear simultaneously on our social media stream.