Here you can find the webinars and instructional videos I posted on the blog.

De modellen van de Frank Doorhof workshops: Malissa

Maak kennis met onze modellen! Annewiek stelt de modellen een paar vragen zodat je ze beter leert kennen. Uiteraard met een paar mooie foto’s ertussen, gemaakt tijdens de shoots of workshops.

Deze keer Malissa de Krijger.

Zien we jouw snel bij een workshop? Kijk op voor de data en prijzen.

Behind the closed DOORs January 20 2017

In this episode we take you BTS during the workshop with Malissa and show you the results of course.

BUT… we also have a really cool give away from X-rite.
To participate you only need to subscribe to our channel and follow the instructions in the video….

Behind the closed DOORs January 18 2017

In todays episode no photography (although I did take some images myself).

In this episode I take you with me during a bike ride through one of the most beautiful areas in my home town, UNESCO heritage. And because it’s now mostly white it’s a great ride, so join me.

Test BOYA microphones QF Ep88

In this episode we take a look at the Boya BY-WM8 dual channel microphone and BY-PVM50 DSLR mic. And we compare it to our Sennheiser set and built in camera mic.

The outcome might surprise you.