Here you can find the webinars and instructional videos I posted on the blog.

info about sLog and problems BTCD 27 feb 2017

in todays episode information about Slog on the Sony 6500 and the impact on auto focus and the problems when using the app.

We also try to buy a gimble for the camera.. but that doesn’t go without some problems.

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Cool fleamarket stuff BTCD Feb 26 2017

In todays episode we take you with us to a huge fleamarket and I’ll tell you why as a photographer it’s important to visit these markets….

And we got some really cool stuff.

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Ultimate weekend workshop Day 2 BTCD Feb 25 2017

In todays episode it’s time for the second day in the Ultimate weekend, see some amazing styling and a very special final shoot.

And make sure to watch till the end for a mini mail time with something REALLY cool.

Models : ingrid,stefan,chaim
MUA/Styling : Christa.

Workshops abroad visit (see left menu in the blog)

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Ultimate weekend day 1 BTCD Feb 24 2017

In todays episode I take you with me during the first day of the ultimate weekend workshop.

Visit the beautiful old harbour of Schokland (unesco heritage) and see the sets we did in the studio, and more…..including a change in our studio.

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