Here you can find the webinars and instructional videos I posted on the blog.

Flight from hell and comicbook heaven BTCD May 2 2017

In todays episode the final day in the states.
We visit an AMAZING comicbook/Store/Warehouse and the flight back is not what we thought…. or what you would want to…..

Plus we are on a quest for some air 😀

Workshop at Little Falls New Jersey April 30 2017

In todays episode it’s time for the workshop at Little Falls
See the lighting setups, behind the scenes and of course some of the results.

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Photo tips, a huge fleamarket and an awesome comic book store and some not so racing

In todays episode some handy photography tips.
We visit a HUGE fleamarket (English town) and see some cool characters, I talk about the state of the roads in the states.

Plus totally unexpected we end the day with a very cool comic book store and diner at a very special restaurant.

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Q&A and the INSANE NY traffic BTCD April 28 2017

In this episode I answer some questions while the girls are shopping for vintage clothing, we visit a really cool comic book store.

PLUS the INSANE New York traffic.
This is a jampacked episode I’m sure you’re gonna love it.
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