About technique and more.

You wanted to know…. getting a glamour shot and posing.

Sometimes I will give the blog topic to the people on social media, being Facebook, twitter etc.
Yesterday I asked people what they wanted me to blog about and today I will incorporate a few of those questions in this blog post.

But first.
Make sure to check out the LIVE! page today, we will be broadcasting LIVE from the studio today during our shoot.
It’s not a workshop, or educational, it’s just a backstage look which can be very educational of course due to the fact we have a chatroom running where you can ask whatever you like.

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The “soul” of a shot

Without a doubt something I love to do is to create a mood in a shot.
Much to my surprise I get a lot of questions were people show me totally “flat flashed” images and ask me “how do I go from this to your work, which filter do you use ?” well…… the magic Frank Doorhof filter is still in beta and ….. well ok I will tell you in this blog post.

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Photoshop ? or Camera ? or both ?

This is a question that has been asked so many times that I thought it would probably be fun to have a small blog post about it.
There are many thoughts among photographers ranging from “hey man we’ll fix that in Photoshop” to “Photoshop ?, nah straight out of the camera”.
I have to be honest I’m a bit in between.

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Natural light photoshoot

As many of you know I love to use flash on location, but what many don’t realize is that I love to just go out with a model with one camera and lens, in this case the Canon 5D MKII and Canon 70-200f2.8 IS L and nothing more except the sun. I do have to add that I mostly do this with models who already have a great portfolio from me and don’t really need something because with natural light only there always is a risc that things don’t turn out the way you want, however to be honest when you know how to search for the light in 99% of the cases the series will turn out great.

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