Styling….Part I
I’ve already talked about the styling in a photo shoot many times. Simply put it’s easy to just put a model in front of the camera with a jeans and top, often a photo can be much more interesting when you add a little bit of styling to the image. Let’s take for example this image from Corine:
Not only did Corine choose a “fake” fur coat, but she added some nice red gloves matching the color on her lips. The combination of those two makes the image much more “special” than one of the parts alone. By adding some mood to the light I made the image complete. One can always argue if the blueish tint is the best choice, or if a more warm tone was a better choice. In the end however that will always be the choice of the photographer (or client).
In the next image Corine choose an outfit that reminded me of the 20’s with a modern twist.
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