About technique and more.

Results styling workshop Part II

Today the final results of the styling workshop we did with Nadine and Manon.
This one I saved because I want to give some tips about lighting in this one.

Manon 14 December 2012 -_-245-Edit


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The obsession of the shutter speed

This is a question I get A LOT, and I really mean A LOT.
So I thought it was time to type a blog post about it.
If you want to freeze action like this you need a fast shutter speed right?
Saskia 11 juni 2009_00220

Well actually not.

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Adding elements

Now as mentioned before on the blog sometimes we as photographers stop one step too soon with taking our “perfect” shot. And I know it’s often difficult to find that finishing touch. For example with the next image I was already happy with the end result..

The styling is cool, the model is nice, and I love the light, and in most cases one would say “done”.
However by adding one extra element it makes the photo pop a bit more and it really made the end result for me.

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New Portfolio

Yeah I know when I do a portfolio review I always tell people to bring their portfolio down to just a few shots, often maybe 10-20% of what they are showing now, but when I looked at my own online portfolio….. well it was a bit too big I guess. There are a lot of excuses of course, like
too busy
oh but I really love that shot
oh but everybody loves that shot
hummmm I just love the tinting in that one
etc. etc.

Irma 17 Oktober 2009_00066

So after my trips from November and seeing the fact that a lot of things will change for us in 2013 (all good by the way) I thought it was time to start cleaning house in my portfolio….. and that was hard. In total I had over 900 images online ranging from fashion work to street photography and some sports. And don’t get me wrong I love sports but that category is gone, and trust me I love live concerts but also that one is gone. Those images can still be found on my blog of course and I will keep updating those with those shots but what is a portfolio?

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