My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Nelson fashion shoot

Before we left for Vegas I got a very nice tweet from Jules, asking me if I would like to hang out and do a kind of shoot in a ghost town close to Vegas….. well let’s be honest you don’t have to ask twice for something like that, so I agreed. Jules already knew a great model and I immediately loved her looks, we needed a second model so I decided to ask a model through modelmayhem…….
The weird thing about modelmayhem is that although some of the models are perfect for the job there also is a lot of “noise”, models responding living 100-200 miles away, or not even looking close to what we asked in the casting call. We however did find a model that I thought was perfect for the shoot, and she also had a nice idea for the theme, however (and this actually almost never happened to me) we had to cut her out. I love models that respond to emails and don’t respond that they find it a hassle to mail me their contact information and MM page so I could bring them in contact with the organizer, take it or leave it is my motto with models. So last minute we changed the model to another great one (there are so many over here :D).

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Trip to Vegas and some first images

We have arrived at the Mandalay bay hotel, an amazing hotel by the way.

It was a huge travel with loads of “adventures”
It started in Amsterdam, we were nicely in time but a family in front of us had problems and a junior trainee did not really tried hard to solve this, so 90 minutes later it was our turn (we hoped), there were technical problems.. add another 20 minutes… well after this there was another surprise, my name was not the same on my reservation and passport, I’ve used my calling name for many years for that account and never had a problem, so we had to run to change the tickets, arrived at the gate with 10 minutes to spare.
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New images

In this blog post a few images from the set we did with Geertje and Vera.
At the moment we are at Schiphol waiting for the flight to Vegas, it’s always difficult to leave home and leave our son behind, but luckily my parents always house sit our house and keep an eye out for Brian. Looking forward to Photoshop World and the workshops in Boston. During our stay in the states I will try to update the blog just as normal with a daily small piece, and I have two amazing guestblogs ready which you really have to read, I already did and I loved it 😀
So without further waste of space, here are my favorite images from the Geertje and Vera session.

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Light in light….. metering tip

During our trip to Vegas PSW I will of course keep you updated with small videos and photos and a few questblogs, however I will also start a new series with small and quick tips, I hope you guys forgive me that I won’t write long blogposts during these two weeks, but I will make sure it’s still very interesting to visit the blog every day.

Do you also reach for the fill slider often ?
Do you also find that there is to little detail in the shadows ?
If so…. maybe this quick tip will help you out.

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