My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Sneak peak …..

Ok I have been writing several times about the new instructional DVD we have been working on the last few weeks, and I can now say that we are very close to the “preview” part of the DVD, meaning all the scenes are done in rough edits and will be checked for errors, weird lip-sync problems etc. This will take at least 1-2 weeks more but we hope to be able to send the DVD to the printing/pressing station after that.

In total the DVD will run well over 2 hours and is filled with lots of tips on the use of light meters, posing models, working in outside and inside locations, working with small flash, working with the flash benders from rogue, tether tools, tips about shooting into the sun, using lens flares, using locations to match the models and so much more.
Some of you asked if I had something online from the older DVDs and to be honest somehow we never did, with the new DVD we did go another direction, the previous DVDs were all done with voice overs and although that works great we did get some questions about adding more “live sound” so with this new DVD we did just that. The whole DVD was filmed during the workshop I did in Boston this September so you will see the workshop take place and hear the most important bits as it happened. However we also had two scenes left that were filmed slightly different and we decided to not let them go to waste but add them to the DVD as extra bonus tracks…. these videos are shot without live sound and I added a voice over on top of the video to explain more in depth whats going on in the video and share some tips and tricks. To give people a good idea about the way the previous DVDs look and to give a little bit of a teaser for the new one we will now share one of these bonus videoclips.

PLEASE remember that this is different from the DVD material which was shot live as just explained, it’s just the one of the bonus videos.

Posing models….

One of the questions that get asked a lot is about posing models, this seems to be the most difficult part in a photoshoot. And I know it can be very difficult especially when you are starting out with photography. It’s not everyday you get a beautiful model in front of your camera and you have to think about your camera, light, posing and of course how the image will look in the end… and that’s the first thing you have to realize…..


The less you have to think about other things than working with your model, the easier it will be to get good poses from your model.
So first make sure you know how you are gonna set your lights, know which theme you want to work on with your model, in fact this can all be done before the shoot, but most of all make sure that you know your gear, nothing is more “mood killing” for a shoot than a photographer that doesn’t know what he/she is doing, who is struggling to get the light the way he/she wants it, who doesn’t know how to set the camera etc. etc. these are real mood killers…. so let’s say we mastered all this will it than happen automatically…. well yes and no. Here are some pointers and a step by step plan to get “better” results in your photoshoots.

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Watch out, Photographers at work

What I love most is photographing people, and let’s be honest when you host a Photowalk what’s more fun that to just snap those around you, if they like it or not 😀

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My favorite shots from the WWPW2011

On October 1st and 2nd I hosted the “Scott Kelby WorldWide Photo Walk” in Kampen.
In this blog post some of my favorite shots from those 2 days.
I have to add that it was way too much fun just talking to all the guys/girls and I really should have concentrated more on shooting myself… but I got some very nice images from it I think.

The people who want to compete (or just share) and who were in my groups the link for Kampen is : 

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