My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Pictures shot during workshops in your portfolio ?

Ok, I hope this one will fire up a “healthy” discussion on Google+ and my blog, so feel free to join on both posts.
Normally I don’t have a lot of time to watch my favorite podcasts, but when I’m driving I have time and so yesterday (while driving) it was time to catch up to some “the grid” episodes, don’t worry I just listen while driving. And one episode triggered me to write this blog post, you can find it here : 


As you might know I teach a lot of workshops, and during most of these workshops the students also shoot their images of course. The discussion on the Grid was something that I also discuss with my students, and I thought it would be fun to give you my PERSONAL opinion in this blog post. So hang on tight…. here we go.

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New video for Expoimaging

First of all a big happy birthday to our son Brian who celebrates his 13th birthday today 🙂


Now for todays blog post I can share a video we shot last week for some new flashbender products from Rogue/Expoimaging. The video contains two new products that I will be using with the small flash setups, and I can highly recommend them to you. Of course I also added some small tips during the video in the photoshoot. Enjoy and feel free to share.

iPhone 4s video

As promised yesterday a small backstage video shot with the iPhone 4s during the workshop with Nadine last Friday. I mainly tried to shoot dark scenes to see how well the 4s performed under these circumstances. I will also do some outside videos soon.

Some images from Nadine

Last Friday Nadine was our model for the workshop Studio Technique II, and when Nadine is the model you can always expect something special, and this time was no exception. In this blog post my favorite images from the session and a small backstage video I shot with the iPhone 4S. The main “focus” of the video is to see how well the 4S performs in very low light situations like the modeling lights from the strobes, something the iPhone 4 really did not produce very good images, and I think the 4S did very well, but you can judge yourself tomorrow on the blog.

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