My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

The final images from PI

I also wanted to share these images I shot during the Professional Imaging 2012.
Model : Linda
MUA : Linda from BeautyFX

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Shooting into the light

On the topic of doing stuff differently with light I think shooting into the light source must not be forgotten. A few years ago people would do everything to prevent shadows from blocking up, now a days it’s a “cool” thing to do and you see it in fashions magazines a lot, but also creating lens flares was something that a few years ago would mean (for 90% of the shots) that your shot would be labeled as “unsellable” today it’s a hot thing and everybody loves to do it, including me. Actually I started using it a few years ago to add something different to some of my outdoor shots, seeing I was heavily influenced by the photography from the 70s and 80s it was not really a weird thing for me to do actually because you could also see it in movies and photography in that era.


However using lens flare and shooting straight into a light source on full power is actually something different (although it’s a sure thing to create the flare :-)). A lot of photographers will be a bit “afraid” to shoot straight into a strobe on full power (or at least a few stops above the main light) but I will show you that it won’t bite you.

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Quick write up from the US

I hope you guys are enjoying the blogs our guestbloggers are putting up, I think they do a great job to keep you entertained 🙂
But today a small write up from myself.


At the moment I write this I just finished teaching at B&H and we will leave tomorrow for Boston for the final two workshops. So let’s give you a small overview of what happened during the last few days.


First there was PhotoshopWorld.
PhotoshopWorld is without any doubt one of the highlights of my year, Larry (Becker) hit the nail on the head when he said “there are 3 important things every year, Christmas and two times PhotoshopWorld”. For me (and the other instructors) it’s not only a place/event where we meet up with a lot of students and share what we know, but also a place where we meet each other, and over time the group has become very close. I’m relative new (this was my third PSW) but even I have that feeling of “family and friends”.

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Shadow play

In this article some information to hopefully trigger you to look at light in a different way.
We as people are always drawn towards light, and that’s not weird realizing that during the day time we function at our best. So our whole body and mind is set on function in the light. This also means that we know how everything looks during the day time, meaning we know that when someone walks in the sun there will be shadows. It’s no strange thing that we will always try to recreate this in our work as photographers. However this is also where some of the most controversial points of photography lies.


There has been countless posts, books etc. that talk about only using one light source, the explanation is simple (according to them), in nature there is one light source and that’s the sun, so using more than one light source will look unnatural and more than one catchlight…. well that’s certainly not done. Well to be honest and please forgive me for my rather “non Frank” expression but this is BS. When we look around us we can see a lot of situations were there are is than one light source “active”, think about your own house, you probably have several light sources all casting their own shadows but also placing more than one catchlights in your eyes. But also in nature there is a lot more than one light source. For example think about a person walking through the street, he/she will be lit by the sun, but what about all the reflections for cars and windows they will all show up in the eyes of a person as catchlights and will probably also interact with the shadow play, lighting up a shadow side, casting double shadows etc.

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