My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Nadine as Robot

Last weekend I was invited to participate in a shoot in Almelo, the location was an abandoned building.
My first model of choice for shoots like this is of course Nadine, and luckily for me I’m often also her photographer of choice to work out some of the more extreme stuff (and extreme she can be). For this day I will divide the results over 3 different blogposts to also take some time to explain the techniques behind the shots.

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Guestblog Ian Sitren shooting Def Leppard

Ian I met a few years ago during one of the first workshops I taught in the states (Los Angeles to be exact), due to the fires both my models had to cancel and luckily my organizer knew Ian and thought he would know some models that could fill in the spots, and he did… so in fact he saved the day. During the second workshops in Los Angeles a year later Ian also helped out with the models and we became friends and stayed in contact via the internet. Both working with medium format and shooting people we always have something to chat about.


During my stay in Los Angeles this year I met up with Ian again and the beautiful model/actress Maria Bertrand (with which I did a shoot that same day in which Ian was assisting me with a flashlight from the iPhone :D), while we were having diner the idea came up to have Ian do a guestblog on my blog and of course he was willing to help me out, but what story…. (he has so many)… seeing that I’m a HUGE Def Leppard fan we eventually ended up with the story about his shoot with Phil Collen. So without wasting to much of your time…. here is Ian.


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Introducing Loes

Last week we did a small test session with Loes.
Loes was the number 2 in our “Polder model” competition, I love her styling and looks so I think we will be seeing her a lot during the workshops 🙂

Oh, and she can jump…..

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Amsterdam Photowalk

Only a few more days and it’s time for the WorldWidePhotoWalk…..
Last year I organized the walk in Kampen and it was spread over 2 days, and I can tell you it was fun. Somehow walking around with a large group of photographers will get you some shots you would never get without the group 😀 (especially when you’re into shooting people), and it’s of course always a day of networking, learning, shooting and most of all having fun.

After the walk in Kampen a lot of people asked me to do the walk in a bigger city, so for this year I decided to do the walk in Amsterdam our capitol and I think one of the most beautiful cities for a walk we have. The first timeslot totally took me by surprise, we filled up the 50 walkers within a few days, so later on we decided to also add a second time slot, and a great one, the night walk (well evening), at the moment we still have some slots free for that one, so if you want to join us surf to and register (it’s free).


During the walk we will be testing some gear also, our friends from Fuji are borrowing us some cameras to testdrive, and there also will be some great “streetphotography” lenses from Tamron to play with, so without any doubt, it’s going to be interesting. CU on Saturday.