My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Introducing Lenaa

As you know we’re always looking for new models, and today I like to introduce Lenaa.
She will be one of the new models for the glamour and fashion workshops.
I’m always looking for something different in our models and I think we found another great model with Lenaa, so you will be seeing more of her.
Remember that some images might be not safe for work in some countries.

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Day 1 Dubai

As you might know we’re in Dubai for GPP (Gulf Photo Plus) where I will be teaching a 4 day workshop and do an introduction for the Sony A99 with a live shoot. However today and part of tomorrow is our “playtime” and what else to do than some photography, and Dubai is great for that.

Today an album with the images I shot on day 1, it’s a collection of different things and I share just for fun (I still don’t consider myself a good street/travel photographer).

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Lens calibration yes or no

Lens calibration yes or no ?
As you probably have read in last weeks posts about the ColorMunki and the FAQ about calibrations I’m a huge supporter of calibration. Today a topic some people don’t think about, or maybe not even know about, the lens….. calibration.

Now some people will claim that this is a minor thing, and don’t get me wrong they will get great images (or at least it could be that they get great images) but when you want to deliver continuity and use actions for certain looks in Photoshop/Lightroom (etc) and want that all your images look the same you will have to take some steps in your workflow.
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Today some new images from Christianne, shot during the Advanced III workshop last weekend.

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