My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Sigma 12-24 lens review

Before our trip to New York I contacted Sigma if they could send me an extreme wide angle lens.
Because I did not bring my Canon 5DMKIII but the new Sony A99 I was still missing some lenses in my bag, and luckily Sigma was more than willing to help me out. The lens they send me was the 12-24mm  f/4.5-5.6 EX DG ASP HSM II Wide-Angle Zoom Lens which is sold in all major mounts.
Follow this link for Sony, Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Sigma.


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Nadine as Rockstar

Today some images from the 1:1 workshop we did last week with Nadine.
All styling by Nadine.

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Great webinar you can’t miss

Now this is really cool, so I just had to share it.
We all know Scott Kelby right?
He is without any doubt one of the best Photoshop teachers out there. Normally you can view his classes on Kelbytraining, but this time (they are in the christmas mood already) there is an incredible videowebcast live on tuesday December 18th.
Register via this link


Scott has a super giveaway planned – he’s gifting a new (or renewal) one-year NAPP membership every minute to some lucky viewer! Yup, that’s 90 gift memberships! (There is a Santa Claus and he’s looking a lot like Scott Kelby.) Who knows, one of your friends could be a winner!


MamiyaLeaf Webinar link

While in New York I recorded an hour long webinar for MamiyaLeaf with Joe Brady.
We covered many topics like colorcheckers, lightmeters, adding motion to fashion, working with one light in small places, high contrast images and much more. For you guys that missed the webinar we now have it online.


Surf to :
And enjoy the webinar.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.