My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Lightroom statistics

Today something totally different, although still very interesting for us photographers and teachers.
We all know Lightroom right?
But did you know that with the proper plugins you can get a lot of information about your Lightroom usage out of it?


Last week I met up with the writer of this series of plugins and asked him to write this guestblog for the blog, I hope you enjoy it, and make sure to checkout the plugins they are very cool.

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Some new images from Esther

Today some new images from Esther.
Shot during the workshop last week in the old studio, still a weird feeling that after so many years we have moved to the new studio…

Esther Februari 2 2013 -_-391-Edit

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Getting ahead of yourself (and others)

Now a lot of people often ask me “what drives you in your shots” or “how do you keep yourself motivated”.
Well when you see these images I hope that is clear…


First of all I love strong colors (like red) but most of all I love things a bit more extreme and with Nadine you’re on the right path of course. Now to keep myself motivated and creative I actually always follow my own advise, “whatever you shoot, always make it interesting, always try to stretch your boundaries” what I mean with this is that one should always try to improve oneself, always push for that little bit more than with the previous shoot. Even although these shots are “just” taken during a workshop I always aim to shoot at least 3-4 portfolio worthy images during the workshops, I think that as soon as I start seeing workshops as work I would loose interest.

Nadine Februari 8 2013-125-Edit
Now when you would translate this to your own work I think it’s very important to NOT be stuck in “known” and “proven” setups, and this is something that I see in a lot of studios, the photographers will place their lights in position A or B, and even pose the models all the same. Recently we did a family shoot and I heard a story that was very striking in this area, they went to a photographer and where shot exactly the same way as all the families that were shown in the show room, exactly the same light, the same pose, the same look etc.

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Testshoot Ben

Today some images from the testshoot we did a few days ago with Ben.
Ben actually was part of our competition “poldermodel” and was the only male model that ended with the last 3.
I think he did great in his testshoot and we will probably be using Ben in some workshops in the coming months.

Ben Beuken Januari 24 2013 -19-Edit

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