My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Focus on imaging 2013 Birmingham

Oempf, it’s over and done…..
Well Focus on Imaging that is.
What an incredible show this was.


For us these shows are not only cool to look around but also a great way to network and meet up with a lot of great friends like Hector from DxO (we have some cool stuff coming from that corporation), Alastair and the team from SmugMug (more on that later this week), Erik from Expoimaging who just released an amazing striplight (reviewed on this blog a few days ago), the team from Mamiya/Leaf and Phase One (great new camera) and of course our friends from Tethertools and we can of course not forget our buddies/groupies/crazy guys Glyn Dewis and Daveeee (and many many more).


During the show I managed to film some interviews for the next episode of “The DOORhof is always open” with Maisy, Steve Howdle and our buddy James Schmelzer (In my opinion one of the best promoters for constant light) and this week we will also film an interview with no one less than Drew Gardner.


I’ve been one of the guestspeakers on the booth of our very good friends from “The Flash Centre”. Normally during tradeshows  you are often incredibly limited space wise but not when you work for Elinchrom and “The Flash Centre” a spacious stage and when they asked me what I wanted to do and I replied “Get me a smoke machine” I thought “this is never gonna happen”…… well it did. And when you give me room and a smoke machine…. well weird things can happen.

BC25D81A-4CC3-400F-A0FA-1EEBA6D4CE30Many thanks to Owen Lloyd for the image (shot with his iPhone)

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Some new images from Cherelle

Today some images from Cherelle, shot during the workshop from last week.

Cherelle Februari 16 2013-6-Edit

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First day UK “tourist shots”

Today some images from our first day in the UK.
We did not have much time to really look for interesting places but I always love the old churches and graveyards, they have so many “stories”. All shots were done with the Sony A99 and the Minolta 35-200 lens.

UK Maart 1-2 2013 (150 of 201)-Edit

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the new rogue strip

Nadine Februari 15 2115-EditI love the guys from Expoimaging, it’s a company that really listens to the wishes of their customers.
I already loved the flashbenders but when I said I would love a strip version it didn’t take that long before they gave me a beta sample of the strip that is released this month, and I can tell you IT ROCKS. Make sure to check it out as soon as it’s released, I’m 100% sure you’re gonna love it.


If you like what we do with the blog and you want this product (and I’m sure you will) please order it via this link at B&H (they ship worldwide)


Today two images I shot with Nadine while testing the striplight. Also make sure to check out our video with the new flash benders which will be released soon.

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