My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Rogue striplight video

I already showed you guys a little bit on the new Rogue flash bender, but today you will see it in action.
Please read the review here, and if you order one…. (and you know you want to) please use the link in the review and support our blog.

New images Sanne

Today some images from the workshop I did last week with Sanne.
Now with these images there is something special…. they were all shot with a 55 Euro Minolta 35-200 lens on the Sony A99. Last week I wrote a little review on the lens and today I show you the rest of the studio images from this workshop.

Sanne Februari 23-174-Edit

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The white background video

Today a new infomercial we shot for our friends at the Flash Centre.
This time some tips on working with the white background with the Elinchrom varistar wide reflectors, and some creative uses of the background. I think you’re gonna love this one 🙂


New portfolio

Maybe you already noticed it, but the old portfolio has been gone for a while.
Out went a lot of images and I tried to stay below 20 images per category, and yes that did hurt.
But whatever I tried I could not find something that worked the way I wanted, the portfolio looked nice but I got a lot of questions if I also would be willing to sell prints and to build that into my own website…. well to make a long story short that did not work.


During the SWPP I met up with the guys from and it didn’t take long before I knew that I wanted to have something online under their vision. Last week I got the mail I was waiting for from their custom department with the message that I could start uploading images. So if you did not see the portfolio yet make sure to check it out via the portfolio page, or surf direct to


And if you’re looking for a great way to present your images…. well they ROCK.