Loads of people have been asking me what reflector I used for most of the shots during the UK tour and the people visiting know it almost became a joke because we used the same reflector most of the time, soon to be nicknamed the “magic reflector”.
And that’s about how I think about it, it’s the newly released Elinchrom square reflector. They already had one on the market but it was taken off the market a while ago, I still own the old one but I’m very very happy they introduced a new one. So when you are looking for a great “magic” modifier get this one. You will love it. Elinchrom Square reflector
The reason is very simple.
It’s a great modifier for portraits, works great for the harsher beauty portraits, but outside it really shines. If you need a bit more lightoutput I would still recommend the Maxilight but if you want a really cool lightsource and still a lot of output make sure to check out the square reflector, it spreads the light really nicely, has high output from your strobes (a blessing outside) and it creates a very unique look to your images, I love the shadows and contours of the reflector. And pricing wise it’s one of the cheaper modifiers, so don’t miss it.

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