My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Day 1 of the photoconvention

Today the images from day 1 of the Photoconvention in Austria.
This photoconvention is a yearly workshop week that in my opinion is very well organized and has some of the most jawdropping locations I ever experienced during workshops, last year the location was a great palace, but this year they topped that… A lot of my portfolio is shot during workshops but after workshops like these… well my portfolio will get a big refresh.


Next year I’ll be back in Austria and I can really advice all of you to check out and also visit it next year, most workshops are in German but mine and I think some more will be in English next year.


During workshop weeks like this I always have a program.
In this case Day 1 was all about technique, metering the light, getting the right angles, working on speed during the shoot, coaching the model and even an impromptu photoshoot with only natural light to learn about controlling and manipulating shadows. This is probably one of my favorite parts of these workshops, because it’s fun to see that you actually sometimes get more spectacular shots than with strobes, a lot of people are afraid to shoot in harsh sunlight and especially when they are forced to NOT use any modifiers, so it’s just them and the sun. It’s always fun to see the very surprised expressions when they see what can happen if you watch your shadows.


Naike Juli 15 2013 - July 15, 2013 - 116-Edit


Click on one of the images to start the gallery.

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Some street shots from our recent trip

We’re just back from a great trip to Austria where I taught workshops for the
 Today some images I shot in Austria.
Click on one of the images to open the gallery.

Oostenrijk Juli 12-13 2013  (197 of 288)_HDR-Edit

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Oh glamour…..

A lot of photographers probably experience this, so maybe it’s time to write a blog post about it.
Actually this blogpost was triggered by a question on my blog :


Hey Frank I love your photography and I’m a true admirer of your work so Frank here is the 1, 000, 000 dollar question. The type of photography you do involves some type of nude or imply photography I also know your wife works with you but to those that don’t get to work with the other half doing this type of shoot… how do you deal with this subject matter with your other half ? As you get to do a test shoot and trying a new model for upcoming events or just to try a new lighting …I’m just wondering how you would go about it ? This is a subject I talk with other photographers but I would like to get your input on this one. 🙂

Wide angles are.....

Now let me put it very simply, and I hope I don’t upset people with my answer, especially not the person asking this question, because I really mean this is in the most positive way, as soon as you think about glamour or implied nudity as something “weird” or “wrong” DON’T shoot it. Now this sounds a bit harsh so let me explain.

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Pim van der Maden at Oord 2014

Every year in Emmeloord there is Oord.
A cool festival where the half of Emmeloord (and other people :D) can be found, loads of people showing art, poetry, music etc. This year also our neighbor and good friend (and awesome photographer) Pim van der Maden was there with his 8×10 Polaroid camera.


Today a few images of Pim in action.

Oord Juli 6 2013 20130706--10-Edit

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