My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

BTS sports series

A while ago I already shared the images at
Today it’s time for the BTS video.


New model Katherien

Today some images from our new model Katherien.
Katherien will be working with me in the fashion and glamour workshops.

Katherien Juli 6 2013 -43-Edit

Our/YOUR forum !!!

Maybe you already visited it, or you heard about it but we opened op our forum for the public this month.
We already ran the forum for a few years but used it mainly for our students and discussions about the gear I used, however over time I found that a lot of people are loving the discussions we run at social media, the problem however is that those discussions often disappear rather quickly and are hard to find back, so this was one of the reasons why I decided to redesign the forum and open it for everyone.


But Frank there are so many fora?
Yep I know and that’s why I decided to do a bit differently, or at least I’m gonna try.
First off I asked some friends of mine to check in occasionally for guest spots, meaning you get the chance to interview real pros and ask them whatever you want, but there is more.


Direct contact with manufacturers
I work very closely with a lot of manufacturers and also asked them to participate on the forum so you won’t get answers from users only but also straight from the source, as the forum grows I will start approaching more people to make the supply of information grow also towards your brand 😀


Just a cool place with boards you don’t find that much
The first thing I added were boards that I think are important but often forgotten like vintage photography, calibrations and light metering, real critiques, different photography topics, and much more. I tried to create a board that is not only easy to navigate but also gives you a lot of topics to browse through and share not only images but also your tips and tricks. But best of all is that I will monitor everything myself at first and will very closely check for the so called “board trolls” people that destroy the fun for others, we have a VERY strict policy in this regard. This board has to be the place you love to visit and ask whatever you want without being burned for it, it should be the place for the beginner, advanced and pro photographer or retoucher.


And…. we have some surprises for the future.
So register (it’s free) at and spread the link like crazy so our/your forum can grow, and feel free to add images, participate and ask questions.


Some artsy Nadine stuff

Sometimes it’s time to experiment a bit with Photoshop and plugins and see where the road brings you.
During my recovery from the Meniscus operation I finally had some time to play around and these are two of the images I did with Topaz Simplify, Alien Skin Exposure and DxO Filmpack 4.

Nadine KT Small flash June 3 2013-11-Edit

Nadine KT Small flash June 3 2013-13-Edit

Nadine KT Small flash June 3 2013-39-Edit