My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

FujiFilm X-E1 as model

Shooting models during workshops is fun of course, but most of the times in normal work you will be asked to shoot not only the model but also “something else” this can vary from the clothing, hats to …. well actually anything.


It’s no secret I love vintage cameras and I like the look of the FujiFilm X-E1 so I thought it would be fun to create a series with this camera as the main focus of attention. As mentioned many times on the blog I always believe in giving my clients a lot of different looks to choose from so also in this case we shot with natural light and several different strobe setups. I hope you like the outcome.


Model/Styling : Nadine

Nadine Augustus 30 2013-153-Edit

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DxO image master

With proud I can share with you guys that from this month on I’m part of the DxO image masters.
The page can be found here :

David en Mercedes Juli 16 2013 - July 16, 2013 - 73-Edit

Some images from the trip

Today a collection of some of my favorites images I shot during our first few days in the states.

September 1 2013 Fuji  (3 of 101)-Edit

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Quick note from PSW

I really can’t believe PhotoShopWorld has ended already pffff.
Without a doubt PSW is a highlight of my year, so much inspiration, amazing people and most of all….. sleep deprivation 😀
But let’s be honest it’s not only a huge honor to be teaching at one of the biggest Photography education events in the world but it’s also place where there is so much energy buzzing that I already feel enormously excited to start shooting new ideas.


Before PSW starts there are the pre-con workshops, this time I decided to join Joe McNally, the fact that he shot artists from Circque de Soleil did help of course 🙂 here is one shot I already worked on from that day, much more will follow but I simply don’t have the time to retouch anything at this time.

September 3 2013  (127 of 426)-Edit


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