My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Some images from PSW

During PSW I taught several demos on the Expo-floor for Expoimaging, the creators of the flashbender products. All shots were done with the Sony flash system, Phottix Odin and of course the flashbenders.


Do remember that these demos are not the place to shoot great portfolio material, but I did want to share these images to show you some of the shots I make during these demos.


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Death Valley and more

After PSW we drove to Santa Cruz to teach a workshop there with our friends from Expoimaging.
Because we are not the highway kind of people we drove as much as possible through areas that were interesting to photograph and boy we were not disappointed, in this post some of the images we shot during that road trip.

September 7 Death Valley  (38 of 494)-Edit

September 7 Death Valley  (49 of 494)-Edit

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ET highway

For a long time the town of Rachel and the so called ET highway have been high on my list to visit. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t believe in little green men, or UFOs, although….. well ok not really. What I do find fascinating is that whole highways, secret bases and most of all a whole town is dedicated to something that “does not exist” (play X-files tunes here).


But for something that isn’t real…. well there are lot of people believing/making money off it, and of course it’s fun.

September 2 2013  (52 of 399)-Edit

September 2 2013  (81 of 399)-Edit

And I don’t fool you, even the navigational system gave us a real feeling of being somewhere special….

September 2 2013  (330 of 399)-Edit Read more

PhotoJoJo cool presents for Photographers

Small gifts for great photographers by Annewiek Doorhof


A few weeks ago I saw an add of (Google knows my interests, mmm). This online webshop sells the most marvellous stupendous outrageous fantatabulous prodigious tremendous photography curiosities on earth. Really these are their own words. They have been mentioned in Scott Kelby’s online show The Grid a few times. So they must be reliable.


As it is always difficult to buy small presents for the coming holiday seasons, especially for a man who has “everything” he needs, I took a look in this shop. Many of you know Frank is into analogue photography nowadays, or better said this is his analogue revival (we bought a fridge especially for al the analogue stuff, and it’s already filled up), and this webshop offers indeed a lot of great gifts, ranging from cheap to expensive. But most of all (in this case) Photojojo sells a lot of analogue gadgets and has free shipping in the US. Because we planned on doing a workshops with our big “small flash” friends of ExpoImaging in Santa Cruz, I  already earned 12 USD for shipping, having the shipment sent to them (hey we are Dutch after all).

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