My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Seeing things differently

Today a small/big travel photography tip about “landmarks”


We all visit those places where we think “I really have to see this one”, however the biggest problem is often that the landmark has been photographed so many times that it’s almost impossible to shoot something that is different, and although in some cases it’s indeed impossible, I do hope to give you some tips in this blogpost to spice up your own travel photography shots next time.


I’m a huge Queen fan, so when visiting Montreux last week there was of course only one spot I wanted to go first, the Freddie Mercury statue, now this statue is placed in a rather busy boulevard and to be honest I hoped/expected it to be rather quiet, the weather was not so nice and it was not a real holiday period, but…. as usual with these kind of things it was rather busy. But I wanted to make the most of it (I was looking forward to this for a long time). Now most people will shoot the statue like this :

September 29 2013 (56 of 301)And yeah well…. this is actually how it is in real life. This was by the way the only shot I could take without any people around the statue, we have been there for about half an hour and this was the only time there were not at least 5-10 people around the statue and then I only got this shot pffff. Well anyway let’s look at the statue a different way.

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Images Zwitserland

Last week we visited Switzerland for a demo at Elinchrom Head-office.
Great place and great people.
These trips are always very limited time wise but we always try to squeeze in some “shoot moments”, today a selection of my favorite “snaps” of that trip.
We also filmed a lot of material inside Elinchrom for our video web podcast “the DOORhof is always open”, so watch out for that one very soon 🙂

September 29 2013 (162 of 301)-Edit

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Cover and title of my book PLUS a great deal

I’m so excited…. today I can show you the cover of my soon to be released book.



It’s been a long wait for you guys, but the great news is that everything is now at Peachpit, so normally it will take between 6-8 weeks and the book should be on the shelves. The reason it took so long is because we wanted to give you the best book possible on Model Photography, and I strongly feel we succeeded, I had an amazing team and together we went through the book analyzing every part and adding/taking away stuff to create the best possible reading and learning experience. Up until last week I’ve been adding new material so it’s a book that is 100% up to date with what I do at the moment. And the layout…. I can’t tell you how excited I am about that, the team at KelbyMedia have really outdone themselves it’s just…. stunning and I think you will agree as soon as you see the book, it’s not just a learning tool but I think it will end up on a lot of coffee tables also.


Anyway, that’s the news for today, and because we are so excited I also want to give you all something to cover the time between now and waiting for release of the book so we are running a buying frenzy with my instructional videos on the download page on this website, if you check out with the code “book” you will get a 50% (yep you read that correctly 50%) discount. So if you have not seen the videos, or are just missing one in your collection this is your chance to complete it.


So surf to and join the frenzy 😀
The book can be pre-ordered on Amazon and other sites, direct link to if you want signed copies you will have to wait till we have the book in the webstore.

Introducing Linda

Some times we do so called test sessions to see if we can add some new models to the group we work with during the workshops and our free work.
I have to be honest that most of these models don’t make the blog and certainly not the workshops, but sometimes we do find a model that blows us away. Linda contacted me via FaceBook and I invited her over for a test session, and I hope you agree with me that she did very well 😀


I think we will see more of Linda in the coming months.
So without wasting too much of your time, let’s meet Linda.
A small note, these test shoots are relatively standard photography, so don’t judge as my free work 🙂

Linda Koster September 24 2013 -15-Edit

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