My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Using natural light and a bit of reflection

The following shots were taking with natural light, well actually the last one (with the sun reflection) was a shot with added strobe.
Now one of the tips I want to share with this blogpost is looking for location.


Often we walk past location that look 100% uninteresting for our photoshoots, however if you look a little bit better/longer or, as I often call it, with your photography eyes some locations can be really nice. I always love reflections and windows are great for this, however I also love structure so older buildings are a true treat for me and I love using them to shoot against. This building actually is on the other side of the road from our studio and we often use it during our workshops or sessions (It always helps to have good relations with your neighbors :D)


Marie November 21 2013-86-Edit

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Some new images from Nadine

Today a few images from a workshop with Nadine.
All styling was done of course by Nadine 🙂

Nadine November 17 2013-61-Edit

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The DOORhof is always open EP12

We released a new episode of our videowebpodcast “The DOORhof is always open”.
It’s episode 12 already, time flies.
Now it has been a bit longer to release this one due to all the things happening over here, the new book, the new studio etc. etc., and this episode is the first one in a new concept, we made the run time a little bit shorter, max 30 minutes to make it a bit more manageable for you guys. Some special editions in the future will probably still run longer but the interview versions will be shorter from now on, and will be released it bit faster after each other.


This time we have interviews with Tamara Lackey and Shelly Girard.
So enjoy the new “The DOORhof is always open”.

Cyber ……. weekend ……

It’s cyber weekend readers…..
And that means some really good deals.
These are the ones I really liked.

KT cyberdeal

Kelby Training has a killer deal going on Nov 29 – Dec 2. It’s photography training from the world’s best photographers (you can also find me there ;)) for the lowest price of the year! This is the perfect gift for the creative person in your life. Here’s the link:


Topaz will be running a great discount action from November 28 to December 2nd (cyber) you can get the WHOLE suite with a 50% discount now it’s becoming a no brainer. Personally I love to use Clarity for that pop effect (hyper sharp) and Clean3 for the Skin retouching for some more difficult skins but there is of course way more, and again for this discount it’s really cool to step in.
The code for Topaz is : blackfriday2013
And order it please via this link :



Alien Skin
Now the other one that is really interesting is Alien Skin.
I use Exposure 5 a lot for the tinting of my images and especially in the batch mode Exposure 5 really shines.
You can get a 10% discount on their software if you use the code FDH1321 and if you order in December use the code FDH1312


Our videos
And we also have a cool discount for you guys of course.
If you order any downloadable video from our website (you find them here) and you use the code ROGUE78 you will get a cool 25% discount.


Enjoy the discounts, and feel free to share them.