My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Dare to close in

I love to shoot motion, well you already know that probably 😀
But most of the time we shoot motion with a full body approach, however sometimes it’s also very interesting to close really in to your model, in this case I asked Lenaa to play around with her coat and just “move” as you can see the tight crops actually enhance the feeling of motion and of tension.


So the next time you are working with motion don’t just think about shooting the move, but also dare to really close in and fill the frame with a crop.

Lenaa Januari 4 2014 (58 of 80)-Edit

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More images from Lenaa

In the past few blog posts there were some tips with images from workshops we did with Lenaa.
Today some of the images I have left from those two days, just sharing.

Lenaa December 28 2013 (8 of 79)-Edit

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The DOORhof is always open EP13

Today we have released the new episode of The DOORhof is always open.
This time with an interview with Bert Monroy.

Images from exposition for sale and video

Today a small video with the images that were shown during the Exposition in Groningen in December. All these images are for sale (from the exposition) in gorgeous chemical prints behind antiglare glass in 50x70cm black brushed metal frames.


Pricing is set on 250.00 euro per piece.
All prints can be signed and are accompanied with a certificate of authenticity. There is only 1 of each.