My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

The DOORhof is always open EP14

It’s time for a new episode of our videowebpodcast “The DOORhof is always open”.
This time with an interview with one of my heroes Aaron Blaise.
Think Beauty and the beast, Aladdin, Brother Bear etc. Aaron Blaise is a master of animation but most of all characters, so enjoy our new episode of “The DOORhof is always open”.


Beltcraft studios set 2

Today set 2 from the Beltcraft studios workshops in London.
Model / styling : Nadine.


For the second setup I setup a complete scene.
Starting out with one strobe, adding one to the background and eventually even adding some constant lights that were still in the studio.
Nadine Beltcraft workshop-123

In this stage you see an Elinchrom Quadra with maxi light on Nadine, two constant lights in the back and to mimic the edge light coming from the constant lights I used an Elinchrom Ranger RX speed with a reflector and grid aimed at Nadine (the constant lights themselves didn’t register on the dress). The background I also wanted to light but I was out of strobes….. (well never thought I was needing four and we had to travel light) so I used a constant light for the background also (a strip) placed very close to the background and that just gave enough light to make the background stand out a bit more around the letters.

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Beltcraft studios workshop set 1

When we’re on location for a tradeshow I often also try to arrange one or two workshop days. In the case of London we ended up at the Beltcraft studios, a great location for fashion and the more “funky stuff”, and with Nadine as your model and stylist…. well what can go wrong 😀


Today the first set from the workshop.
For this set I used the 70cm deep octa from Elinchrom and mixed it with the available light to create a more flat looking shot. But due to the smaller size of the indirect octa and the fact that it was not placed far away from the model the light quality came out really “edgy” what I absolutely love.

Nadine Beltcraft workshop-17

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Competition winner….

A few weeks ago I started a competition with a twist.
As you might know my book “Mastering the modelshoot” has been released in December and we get a lot of great responses about the book. The book is loaded with tips on photographing models and has a lot of great tips with which you can go in your photoshoot from “Ok to wow” without hardly any budget.


Now of course you do get some emails and social media posts from people telling you how much they loved the book but at one point people also started posting images with the book in some weird and funny locations, this triggered the idea for me to start a competition for people to shoot a picture with my book telling a story, being funny etc.


Today I can announce the winner.
And the winner is….. drumroll please…….
Twitter copy
I think it clearly tells a story and has one of lighting diagrams in action from the book.
The winner will receive a free download of the whole LIGHT SERIES instructional videos series.


But of course I also want to show you some of the other images that arrived and did make it into the final selection.
Now if you recognize your photo 😀 contact me and you will also get a free download of one of the Light series instructional videos, I always love to give a bit more than promised 😀

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