My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Poeka during the workshop “Small spaces”

One of the most heard excusses is “My studio is not big enough”
Or “I don’t have a studio”


In essence there is not really a rule for what kind of studio one should or should not need for photography, I always tell people that the best place to shoot…. is the place where you are…. Yeah I know I stole that from “the best camera is the camera you have with you”, but it’s true.


In the workshop “Small spaces” we shoot different setups in cramped spaces, of course our studio is large, but we make the shooting situations mimic really small spaces, like max 3x3mtr, including light and photographer and model, the cool thing is that during the workshop it very quickly becomes very clear that indeed you can shoot great images in almost any situation, the limitation is pure in your mind or creativity.

So don’t let your space hold you back, in fact I actually LOVE shooting in tight spaces, because you can actually use the space as a part of the photoshoot, let the model touch the walls, ceiling etc. make her crawl up like a ball, or…. the options are limitless.

Would love to see YOUR tight spaces shoots.

Results workshop “Fashion to the max”

In todays post a few of the images from the workshop “Fashion to the max”

Styling and model : Nadine
Assisted by : Bianca


In this workshop the main topic is…. there is no topic, everything goes.
In this case that meant using a mix of lightsources from LedGo to strobes and of course gels and smoke.
It’s the kind of workshop were we work from an idea towards the end result in several steps explaining the whole creative process, it’s a fun and incredibly intense workshop, but I always love the end results.

A Christmas shoot BTCD Dec 20 2017

In todays episode a behind the scenes look during a quick christmas shoot with Norene, one of our cosplay models.

Plus a quick thank you to all you guys that make our vlog possible, you guys rock.

If you liked this video give it a big thumbs up and subscribe so we can keep on making them.

Gear I use for the vlog:
The Sony A6500 (my video camera) :
The BT microphone I’m using (LOVE IT) :
Sony 20mm lens :
The amazing Joby :

Smartlav+ for the Samsung :

Shooting gearThe Sony A7RII (my main camera) :
My favorite lens 24-70 f2.8 Gmaster :

Follow me on G+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and I will see you in the next video!

Find me online via the following channels
Facebook :
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Portfolio website:
Workshop agenda:
Join the Mastering the Model Shoot facebook group:

See my gear guide (and buy it) via:

Photolemur QF Ep 107

Always looking for a quick and easy way to enhance your images, but you already get scared when you think about the technical stuff?

Always trying to explain to your friends and family how to retouch their family snaps but they already look confused after copying files from their cards?

Well we have the solution for you guys…. from Zero to Hero with this amazingly cool and simple (but very advanced) plugin/standalone.

Photolemur can be used as a standalone fully automated or with your personal input, or you can use it as a lightroom plugin where you can choose to first retouch the images slightly and than run Photolemur, or just let it do all the work for you…and it even works in photoshop.

This way photolemur is not just for the absolute beginner, but it’s a very versatile, incredibly easy to use software solution that actually does everything right… I love it.

And I know what my parents are getting for christmas 😀

Check them out at

If you like what we do, please subscribe, like and comment, but most of all tell other people about our channel so we can grow it for you guys and give you more free material.

Follow me on G+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and I will see you in the next video!

Find me online via the following channels
Facebook :
Instagram :

Join our Email community :
Portfolio website:
Workshop agenda:
Join the Mastering the Model Shoot facebook group:

See my gear guide (and buy it) via: