My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

uitnodiging voor fotowedstrijd: “PIA d’Or Talent award”

Doe ook mee aan de fotowedstrijd en win mooie prijzen, zoals een SIGMA lens, waarde cheques en een abonnement op Focus en MPN.

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Iedere inzender krijgt een gratis entree ticket voor de beurs op 24, 25 en 26 maart

Frank legt je uit wat je moet doen

Tips for the crop tool DC Jan 5 2018

In this episode a very quick and simple overview of the crop tool. We all use it of course, but with these tips you might speed up your workflow a lot.

If you liked this video give it a big thumbs up and subscribe so we can keep on making them.

Digital classroom is made possible by BenQ and Rogue

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It’s not always in the eyes

We all know the expression “it’s all in the eyes”. And in most cases I 100% agree. I love to see catchlights and the eyes.

But always remember that there will be exceptions. Like you can see in the shot in this post you can’t really see the eyes. And in this shot that makes sense. That’s actually why a hood is designed. Now if you would open up the shadows the shot would actually loose power.

So always remember. Eyes are the mirror to the soul. But shadows are the soul of the shot. And sometimes that means the shadows win from the eyes.

Learn from examples

One of the best ways to learn lighting is actually trying to figure out how something was shot.

When I started with modelphotography I actually used a mannequin to practice my skills 🙂

To read the light you always have to remember that the whole setup is always right in front of you. It’s literally in the shot as you see it.

The best advice I can give you is actually to read the shadows. If you read the shadows and draw lines you can actually see actually where the lights were positioned and under which angle.

Now it won’t be perfect but you’ll learn very quickly how the setup can be copied 🙂