My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Sheena with a vintage lens

The final set during the workshop “small spaces” was shot with the Leica 100mm Macro connected to the Techart.
This is a really cool adaptor because in essence it makes every manual focusable lens auto focus, and as you can see here, those old lenses really render light in a beautiful way.

Now a days lenses are almost too perfect 🙂


We all know that angles can really change the look of a shot.
Still often in the studio you see that photographers are almost glued to one position, being it a small stool, or eyes level. During the workshops I always try to “force” the attendees to literally find and use almost every angle possible.

This can give some cool effects like here.
I really love this low angle, but of course when you go low…..

Model : Sheena

New high megapixel sensor for your phone

Very cool news

I bought my Huawei p20pro for the camera and haven’t been dissapointed for a second.

Now Sony has released the best generation sensor. For people that didn’t know yet… The p20 pro uses 600 version chip from Sony.

Now one could say that high mp on a smartphone won’t work but do realize that these sensors are a lot bigger than let’s say a Samsung or iPhone (over twice the size) and in all honesty I also don’t expect the quality I do get.

I was just worried that there wouldn’t be a new version out. Seeing Nokia also never released a new version of their High mp count smartphone. But as it seems there is now a future for beter cameras in smartphones.

Seeing I use my phone more for photography and video than anything else I’m very interested in seeing what happens next.

What’s your take on this ?

Tight spaces

Last weekend it was time for the workshop “Small spaces with Sheena”
Overall one of the most heard topics when photographers talk is space (or lack of space) in all honesty I just love shooting in very tight spaces. Of course it’s cool to shoot in a wide open space, but by shooting in a very tight space you can even let the walls help out for the posing and create something really cool.

Today some images on our small staircase.