Glamour workshop images

Today some images shot during a glamour workshop with Sheena. Some images might be considered to be not so safe for work... but I think they are pretty ok (but don't blame me).

Duo shoots

Now when shooting a duo shoot it always wise to plan ahead. Let's say you want a cool duo shoot in your portfolio but you don't want that "boyfriend/girlfriend" kind of shoot, a good tip can be to shoot dancers, they are often way more flexible than the average run of the mill person, although I'm pretty flexible I have seen these two do things.... well it hurts me when I think about it. The fun part about shooting with dancers is that they are often very creative with poses, and they will actually pretty well interact with each other.

Martial arts

Today a second part of the motion/action workshops I taught last week. When looking for themes for this workshop I actually met Melvin via one of our models (Marie), and when I heard he was into martial arts I did not have to think twice and invited him over to be one of the models for these special 2 day workshops. He loves doing this kind of stuff and that helps a lot when you have to ask him to do some moves over and over again, but he did great 😀

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