Adding more storage to your MacBook Pro (or other laptops) and what to look out for

Although I feel that the MacBookPro's at the moment give the best bang for the buck, there is one thing that is incredibly expensive when upgrading, and that's internal storage. My photos and videos are all stored on 2 synology NAS systems but when working on several video projects, music recording etc. the internal drive is even with 1TB a "bit" on the small side. But upgrading is in my opinion way to expensive, so I was looking for a great solution.

How to read a light meter

Why is the lightmeter so important? First of all we have to realise that in we only see 3 colors as human beings. We call those colors the primary colors, Red, Green and Blue. We also have secondaries colors, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow. All colors are connected via the blackbody curve (whitepoints for colortemperature) and determine the colourspace.

How to make wow images with sets and colors

Often when I mention sets people think about big budget solutions, but the opposite can be true, and mostly is in my work. For me it's almost a sport to create cool looking sets without breaking the bank. So we also look for cool stuff on fleamarkets, attics etc. you would be surprised what kind of "junk" you can buy for next to nothing that work great in a photoshoot.

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