Some more Corine

Today some left over shots from the shoot we recently did with…

Some Impossible blue scans

Polaroid, which photographer (and non photographer) doesn't love the stuff? When Polaroid stopped making the film a lot of people were feeling bad about it, but then there was "the Impossible project" rebuilding the instant film following and materials. I think they are doing pretty good because you see the film popping up everywhere and they keep making improvements. When I visited the store in Vienna I bought some Impossible Blue film, it was already "tricky" by then and it's now 2 years later so to be honest I kept my fingers crossed to see if something usable would come out, but to my surprise it did, it's not perfect but it also adds a bit to the charm I think. Shot on a Mamiya RZ67ProII / 110mm during a session with our model Corine.

Some film scans

As you all know I love shooting film, there is something special…

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