New York in BW

During our stay in Atlanta I bought a new camera for myself. As…

Toughtech duo backup solution

We're on the road a lot and one thing that always worries me (well there are a lot of things that worry me but that's another story) is my data. In the past I travelled with 2 separate harddrives with USB3 connections that made pretty fast backups, but I have to be honest it's not the perfect solution.

New York in the rain

Now most people hate it when it rains and I have to be honest, personally I also don't like the rain, but as a photographer I just love it. In this case it meant being soaked during the day, because we were not prepared for rain like this, but somehow it also has some magical and I just can't resist the reflections, the people who are even more in a hurry than normal and ..... well so much more.

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