Gold it almost hurt your eyes so much Gold

A background really makes the shot for me. I recently had a whole discusion with someone about how AI would replace backgrounds and no-one would ever shoot against backdrops anymore. I don't think I have to tell you guys I did not agree 😀

That beautiful old glamour light, nothing like it.

The look of the Fresnel is really hard to describe (that's why I use images), but it's almost immediately recognizable. Think about almost all the old black and white (and later color) images from the movie stars from the golden era and you immediately know what I mean right... well that era was dominated by the Fresnel look, you found them everywhere in studios. But now a days I hardly see them anymore. Mostly due to price but also I think because people just don't know the funny looking Fresnel.

Yolobox pro live review

We've been live streaming for as long as I can remember. It all started many years ago via special live-streaming software (YouTube didn't support live streaming at that moment) and a webcam. I would start in the morning with placing the webcam in the makeup room with the model, after that we took the same camera and moved it to the studio to show the photoshoot. All via 1 camera, and the cool thing.... people were staying online the whole day, interacting, sharing ideas and chatting with each other and me. Sometimes someone fell asleep due to time differences, but it was an awesome experience.

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