How to create depth in a scenic backdrop set

Using a scenic backdrop can be great on its own, but when. you want to add some real depth the image... well in this blogpost I share some tips and examples.

A quick test shoot

For the workshops we are always looking for new models, and sometimes you find someone via the net/social media, in a restaurant or in your own studio 😀 Janice as modelling for friends of us and I could not resist to also shoot some images. And guess what... she lives close by so she will probably pop up more regularly during the workshops in 2025.

Focus your light

Shadows can be tricky when you start out but in the end it's the glue that sticks everything together and makes an image look more realistic and also creates depth. Of course we need light to create shadows, and the smaller the light source the faster the edge transfer (difference between shadow and light). In other words smaller light means sharper shadow edges.

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