Wait before you throw something out

Don't just throw stuff out. It can be awesome material to make…

Unfair competition or…

I just read this article https://www.reuters.com/article/us-huawei-tech-alphabet-exclusive/exclusive-google-suspends-some-business-with-huawei-after-trump-blacklist-source-idUSKCN1SP0NB And…

Going from A Z BTCD May 18 2019

In today's vlog it's about the workshop A-Z. Going from literally…

Getting great shots in any location BTCD May 17 2019

In todays episode I'm taking you behind the scenes during the…

New York promo September 1, 2019

We will be in New York again for another Mastering the Model…

iPad Photoshop

Don't get me wrong I love adobe and I absolutely love the way…

New workshops

Breakthrough your creativity limits Let's see We have large cubes,…

A clean sensor is a happy sensor

Cleaning your sensor is always something a lot of people fear, but it's not necessary. in this article my favorite gear to clean the sensor and how to keep it clean.

Kudos for Huawei

Now let me start with a full disclosure. I'm in no way associated…


Find cool angles is one of the things I always tell the attendees…

Photoshop powertips : Making the eyes come alive

We all know it, the eyes are the soul of the shot. But what if…

A very worrying trend maybe I just stop everything

Today time for something that has bugging me for a while now. But…

Photographing Cosplay BTCD May 4 2019

In todays behind the closed DOORs we take you behind the scenes…

All your tethering questions answered BTCD May 3 2019 V2 with the results

This is the new upload with all the results also visible. In…

The stunning Athalja

The question we get a lot is "how do you work with new models,…

How to photograph a model you’ve never met before and create killer shots. DC May 1 2019

Frank Doorhofs Digital Classroom is sponsored by BenQ & Rogue.…

Must haves for video

Often you see videos online where you go like "really is it supposed…

A social media tip that saves you a lot of money

We all have a limited amount to spend each month and let's be…

Tip on props

Tip When you don't have any more props. Go for the simple things.…

Bad reflections…..

Sometimes you don't really have a choice and you have to work…